News Publish date: 17/12/2018

Aromatherapy in the winter season

Aromatherapy in the winter season

Winter months with little sun and low temperatures are not propitious to good mood. Not everyone can resist depressive moods and it happens that we notice drowsiness, difficulty in focusing, lack of energy, greater susceptibility to stress. One of the effective ways to relax in the winter is the use of aromatherapy. It is an increasingly popular fragrance treatment that uses natural essential oils.

The sun is a natural source of energy. Under his influence in the body there is a synthesis of vitamin D, which is important for the proper functioning of the nervous system and well-being. The touch of sunlight  on the skin is soothing and pleasant. It relax the whole body. Long, bright days are more optimistic. The sun behind the window encourages us to leave the house. How to compensate for its lack during the winter?

It is worth taking care of the body and mind for relaxation. Hot water, gentle massage and specially selected relaxing scent - it is hard to find a better composition in this case. A pleasant bath in a bathtub with whirlpool system can - at least to a certain extent - replace the touch of warm sunlight. If we additionally apply natural aromatherapy, the effect will be strengthened.

How to prepare aromatherapy sessions?

Bathing in a whirlpool bathtub should not last longer than 20 minutes. This is enough time to reach the state of relaxation. The optimum temperature for aromatherapy water is 35-38°. Bathings can be repeated as often as you like. Regular use of selected fragrances contributes to a lasting improvement in well-being and certainly helps to combat the state of low mood in the winter.

News Publish date: 17/12/2018