Knowledge base Publish date: 18/11/2021

Autumn bathing is good for everything

Autumn bathing is good for everything

Stress, fatigue, unfavorable aura ... it all affects our well-being. In the autumn and winter period, when it gets dark quickly, it is particularly painful for us. There are many ways to improve your well-being. In the privacy of our own home, we can soothe our soul and body… for example, during a relaxing bath. You feel its beneficial benefits on your own skin.

A showering or bathing is the perfect time to relax. Imagine a familiar, cozy interior, warm air, the calming sound of a stream of water. The well-known note of your favorite cosmetics is in the air. All this gives a sense of comfort and security. Time spent in the showering area or in the bathtub is a moment of disconnecting from the hustle and bustle of the world around us, when the problems of everyday life are forgotten.

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In addition to the undisputed benefits for the spirit, bathing also has a salutary effect on our body. Perfect effects and increasing immunity is brought to the body by a cold shower, or by alternating spraying with cool and hot water. Hardening the body has a beneficial effect on the circulation, nervous system, metabolism and, of course, the body's immunity. Baths also contribute to the improvement of thermoregulation of the whole organism. Thanks to them, our body functions better and protect itself more effectively against overheating or colds.

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A brisk morning shower is a great way to stimulate the body to act. Remember to give yourself some time before leaving the house. It has also been proven that a cold shower helps to speed up metabolism, which translates into cleansing the body of toxins, and can even support our weight loss efforts. In the evening, it is worth indulging in a longer, relaxing, hot bath. Especially when our body gets cold. A cooled body is susceptible to viruses or bacteria, and warming it up in a bath of warm water will help us avoid this.

Knowledge base Publish date: 18/11/2021