Knowledge base Publish date: 14/11/2018

Be ECO! Find out how to save water

Be ECO! Find out how to save water

Without water, life on the Earth would be impossible, so it is worth remembering how important its resources are and introduce simple habits in everyday life that will allow you to use it economically. Lower water consumption is a concern for ecology, as well as a home budget. Changes are easy to implement and are limited to a reasonable use of water resources every day.

Saving water is everyone's responsibility, although not everyone is fully aware of it. Poland is counted among poor countries in terms of water resources per capita. Annually, they amount to approximately 187 billion m3, which brings us closer to Egypt in this case. Thanks to the reasonable management of water every day and controlling its flow in the household, you can contribute to the improvement of the situation, as well as save money. Saving water is not a matter of giving up comfort, let alone personal hygiene and in no way reduces the quality of life. In most cases, it's about changing habits and introducing simple habits. It is also important to skilfully make choices regarding the bathroom or kitchen equipment.

Economical use of running water sources in the apartment

Often using running water, we do not realize how much we pour out unnecessarily. You can change this easily, remembering about turning the tap when washing dishes or bathing. Turn the tap when you wash your face, teeth or when you shave. Proceed similarly while washing dishes and let the water run only during rinsing. Reduce the time of daily showers to what is really necessary, and take longer baths for relaxation. Try to reduce the water flow instead of increasing it. Using a smaller stream is usually a matter of reflex and we do not need a lot of tap water pressure in most times.

Bathtubs with a smaller capacity

For bathing, fill the tub approximately to 1/3 of the capacity. This amount of water is sufficient to ensure comfort and hygiene. The more water you put into the bathtub is an offense and even if you can afford it financially, remember about ecology. By choosing a bathtub for the bathroom, you can also opt for a model with a smaller capacity. This choice will significantly contribute to saving water resources during daily bathing. Small bathtubs are therefore a good choice not only for small bathrooms.

Shower enclosure instead of a bathtub

Showering is more economical than bathing in a bathtub. If you are just deciding to choose sanitary equipment for the bathroom, you can manage the question of savings. If you do not want to give up anything, you can choose a bathtub with a bath screen that combines the advantages of both solutions, allowing you to take a bath in a sitting and standing position. The walk-in cabin is modern and comfortable, but a shower enclosure with a deep shower tray will give you access to the water standing in the bathroom, which in many cases will also translate into savings.

Current repairs - so that the water does not leak

Dripping tap or leaking flush can contribute to considerable water losses. Although the leak looks seemingly innocuous, every drop counts. A device that is not working for a long time can generate a really big and completely unnecessary water loss. To avoid this, locate and eliminate all leaks. You can read the counters from time to time before leaving the house and after returning to determine if there is an uncontrolled water leak.

Economical cisterns

You can also install additional devices that reduce water consumption. The sale includes, among others, aerators and cisterns with an eco function, with the possibility of dispensing more or less water.

Fast water heating

Waiting for the water to warm up to the desired temperature after unscrewing the tap is a waste of time and money, and is non-ecological. This problem may affect your household, especially if you use an electric stove or boiler. To make savings, consider, for example, installing an instant water heater at the kitchen sink.

You can also insulate pipes to have faster access to hot water. You will avoid wasting it, and you will save time and increase the comfort of using its sources. Instead of a battery with two taps, select single lever. Temperature control by means of separate taps with hot and cold water takes more time.

In today's world, the basis is not only taking care of personal hygiene or the status of your own wallet. To save water should also make us care for the natural environment. World water resources are a common good, so it is worth realizing how important is reason and moderation in using its current sources.

Knowledge base Publish date: 14/11/2018