Inspirations Publish date: 31/03/2021

Family bathroom - it is simple

Family bathroom - it is simple

The bathroom is a key room for the comfort of using our apartment or house. In a situation where there are more household members, it is worth considering the appropriate device at the initial design stage. A family bathroom should combine functionality, ease of use and style.

The theory sounds good, but the expectations of the household members may be different, often contradictory. Long bathings or a quick showering? Carefully applied makeup by the bathroom mirror, or maybe a quick wash of the face before work? The trick in the design of family bathrooms is to reconcile all these often contradictory needs and create a space that will satisfy all residents and allow them to use freely.

A comfortably furnished family bathroom should be conducive to much calmer mornings and less nervous evenings. It is a place that allows us to properly care for, relax and use it in accordance with our needs. A well-organized bathroom should avoid the tense atmosphere and should meet the expectations of most household members. 

Inspirations Publish date: 31/03/2021